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A central place for apes to learn about stonks. This is not financial advice.

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Name Description
GameStop Newsroom Stay up to date with GameStop’s latest strategic initiatives.
GameStop Investor Relations Source for GameStop’s financial news.
Ape’s Guide to the Galaxy Compilation of DD, News, Announcements, Tools, and Resources
GME DD Resource that aggregates a compilation of GME due diligence.
GME Timeline Comprehensive timeline of GME-related events.
GME Technical Analysis Tracks technical analysis, news, and other insights for a particular stock.
IBorrowDesk Monitors borrow rates and availability using Interactive Broker’s freely available data.
Stonk-O-Tracker Tracks available shares to borrow, options data, FTDs, and more.
Where are the Shares? Tool that monitors FTDs.
Stocksera Another tool that provides FTD data.
SEC - Fails-to-Deliver Data Website that provides FTD data.
GME ETFs Tracks how many ETFs hold GME.
ETF Channel Website that shows ETF holdings of a particular stock.
NASDAQ Short Interest Provides short interest data for mid-month and end of month settlement dates for a particular stock.
Ortex - Short Interest Dashboard that show short interest data.
NASDAQ - Real Time Trades Tool to monitor real time trades.
S&P 500 Heatmap Website that allows you to observe when Hedge Funds are liquidating in which sector(s).
Holdings Channel Displays a list of funds holding GME.
Fintel - GME Institutional Ownership Dashboard that shown ownership data, short interest %, and other reports.
FINRA - Morningstar Tracks equity and options data along with other information.
Yahoo - GME Historical Data Shows a running history of GME previous open and closing prices, volume, etc.
Superstonk Quants Open-source resource that aims to provide quantitative analysis on the market.
Quiver Quantitative Website created by u/pdwp90 that aggregates alternative data and visualizes it into dashboards. Read more here.
Gamestonk Terminal Bloomberg-like Terminal created by u/SexyYear
Stockgrid - Dark Pool Data Dashboard that shows dark pool data.
NASDAQ - Reg SHO Threshold List List that displays securities that are currently on threshold.
Repo and Reverse Repo Operations Tracks ON-RRP and participants daily.
Buffet Indicator Resource that depicts when the market is overvalued or undervalued.
Advisor Perspectives Shows inflation-adjusted charts of the S&P 500, Dow 30, and Nasdaq.
DTCC - SEC Rule Filings Lists rule filings from major institutions.
US Senate Stock Watcher Website created by u/rambat1994 that tracks stock trades of US Senate Members.
US House of Representatives Stock Watcher Website created by u/rambat1994 that tracks stock trades of US House of Representatives. - Researching Investments Website that you walks you through how to do your due diligence.
Tax My Tendies Tools that helps you calculate how much you’ll owe in taxes post-MOASS. (US only).
Gamestop NFT GameStops’ official NFT website
GME NFT Relationships Graphic that shows the relationships between GME tokens.